Volunteer at McPherson
McPherson Magnet School asks that each family provide a minimum of ten (10) volunteer hours per school year. This is a school of choice and as such we expect that parents will want to help support and strengthen our school. Family involvement shows our children that we are committed to them and to their education. There are many activities, which can be done at school and/or from home that may be applied toward required family involvement hours.
Family Involvement hours can be completed by parents, guardians, grandparents, or any family member over 18 years of age. Family Involvement hours may include the following:
*PTSA meetings
* McPherson Education Foundation meetings
*Attend parent-training classes provided by McPherson (i.e. technology, Family Math)
*Field Trip Chaperone
*Research assistance for classroom
MULTIPLE-HOURS SERVICE (based on actual hours served):
*Classroom help
*Room Coordinator
*After-school tutoring
*Library or Office Help
*Technology support
*Home assignments (projects done for the teachers at your home)
*Training volunteers for specific school activities
*Board/Committee membership and participation (i.e., PTSA, Education Foundation, School Site Council, Safety Committee, etc.)
*Campus Beautification, Enrichment programs
This is an open-ended list. McPherson welcomes suggestions for additional opportunities that parents may use as part of their Family Involvement hours. All volunteers must wear a McPherson visitor sticker when on campus. Your hours will be logged by our front desk office clerk.
For activities done at home, on weekends or away from campus, keep track of time spent and then log in the hours in the volunteer book.
One of the most pleasant experiences a child can have in school is to see his/her parents volunteering in their classroom. Any person volunteering or coming onto any part of the McPherson Magnet School campus, including the playground, must sign in and out at the school office and wear a McPherson identification badge. Parent volunteers may not be bring younger children into the classroom while volunteering. *Anytime a parent volunteers or works with a child in the classroom, he or she must have a volunteer form filled out and on file at the school office. Parents must respect the confidentiality of all students and never repeat confidential information about another student. *Confidentiality falls under these laws: FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), and the California Education Code.